Wednesday, November 16, 2011

how to reboot a stuck iPhone ( iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, Original iPhone)

Instructions on how to reboot a stuck iPhone
(This process can apply for iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, Original iPhone)

iOS 5 is facing problem with updating after been updated to iOS 5, iPhone is stuck in recovery mode (Apple logo & black screen repeat repeatedly).

You can reset it in normal way of how when the iPhone crashes or locks up that prevents the iPhone from responding to being turned off.

Step 1.
Reset the iPhone by holding the sleep/wake button at the top right of the device and the home button at the bottom center of the face at the same time.
Step 2.
Hold them both until you see the screen go black. (if you have connected to any PC remove the connection first).

Step 3
Wait until the white Apple logo appears.

Step 4. 
When this happens, you can let go - the iPhone is rebooting.

An iPhone reset will not normally remove or delete any data or settings. However, the term reset is also sometimes used to mean deleting all content from it.

Any way you can start the iPhone with factor settings as new iPhone with connecting to iTunes. But if you have made your iPhone iCloud back up or iTunes backup of your Phone simply you can restore it.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Crystal report 2008 Redistribution Package

I faced a problem when I’m deploying new application developed with Visual Studio 2010 and Crystal Report 2008.

Error Message: 

Could not load file or assembly 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine, Version=13.0.2000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

But I have installed Crystal report 2008 on client’s PC. 


There is a redistribution package used to install. It doesn’t require installing Crystal report 2008 and this redistribution package is free of license.

Follow these links to download the packages.

For 32 bit

For 64 bit

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Transactions in ADO.Net ( TransactionScope Class )

A transaction is a logical unit of a work. There are few ways in implementing transactions.  Either you can implement it in your T-SQL Statements or inside of the program logic. There are two ways in implementing in the .net programming code you can use DbTransaction Object or TransactionScope.
I would implement here TransactionScope class.
It creates a standard transaction called a “local lightweight transaction” that is automatically promoted to a full-fledged distributed transaction if required. You can use even multiple connection objects if you have to update tables in two databases.
First have to import System.Transactions namespace.

        public void CreateTransactionScope()
            SqlCommand ObjCmd = new SqlCommand();

                  // TransactionScope object defined here
                using (TransactionScope Scope = new TransactionScope()) 
                    // _ConnectionString is the Class globally defined string value for the
                    database connection string
                    using (SqlConnection Sqlcon = new SqlConnection(_ConnectionString))
                        Sqlcon.Open(); // Opening the connection

                        // Assign Connection Object to SQLCommand Object
                        ObjCmd.Connection = Sqlcon;

                        //SQL Statement  to execute
                        ObjCmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO TBL_EMOPLOYEES VALUES('"+ "001"
                                       +"', '"+ "Pathum Tiranga" +"','"+ "01/01/2011" +"')";
                        ObjCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;   

                        //Execution happen here

                    /* At the ending of the Scope of the Transaction Scope commiting the
                      transaction was done 

                     If couldn't reach this statement all above datachanges happened to one
                      or more tables will be RolledBack

            /* If an exception is thrown within the TransactionScope object’s using block,
               the transaction aborts, and all work is rolled back. */
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

When you create a TransactionScope object in a using block, the TransactionScope object assigns a transaction to this created connection, so you don’t need to add anything to your code to enlist this connection into the transaction.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


C# generics and C++ templates are very similar but they work differently. Generic exist to write code that is reusable across different types.

Let’s imagine we need a stack of integers if we didn’t have generic types, one solution is to hard code a separate version of a class for every required type “IntStack” but when we need stack of string have do the same way “StrStack”. This would cause considerable code duplication.

However this wouldn’t work aAnother solution would be write a stack that is generalizes by using Object as element type.s well hard coded “IntStack” & “StrStack” an “ObjectStack” require boxing & down casting that could not be checked at compile time.

int x = (int)stack.Pop(); // down casting

What we need is both a general implementation of a stack that works for all element type, and a way to easily specialize that stack to a specific element type for increased type safety and reduced boxing and casing.

Generics provide this by allowing parameterize element type.  Stack<T>  has the benefits of both “ObjectStack” and “IntStack”.

Test this example for further understanding.

    class Part
        private string _PartId;
        private string _PartName;
        private string _PartDescription;
        private double _Weight;

        public string PartId { get { return _PartId; } }

        public Part(string PartId, string PartName, string PartDescription, double Weight)
            _PartId = PartId;
            _PartName = PartName;
            _PartDescription = PartDescription;
            _Weight = Weight;


        public override string ToString()
            return string.Format("Part Id: {0}, Part Name:{1}, Part Description:{2}, weight:{3}", _PartId, _PartName, _PartDescription, _Weight);



   //the actual indexer, which accepts the generic type
    //note the type must be a class (not a value type)

    class Indexer<T> where T:class
        struct ItemStruct
            public string Key;
            public T value;
            public ItemStruct(string key, T value)
                this.Key = key;
                this.value = value;



        List<ItemStruct> _items = new List<ItemStruct>();

        // T must be a class so that can return null if not found
        public T Find(string key)
            foreach (ItemStruct _ItemStruct in _items)
                if (_ItemStruct.Key == key)
                    return _ItemStruct.value;
            return null;

        public void Add(string key, T value)
            _items.Add(new ItemStruct(key, value));


// Programe to Test it

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            Indexer<Part> indexer = new Indexer<Part>();

            Part p1 = new Part("001", "Mother Board", "Intel Chip set Mother Board", 0.75);
            Part p2 = new Part("002", "Processor", "Intel Core i5", 0.2);

            indexer.Add(p1.PartId, p1);
            indexer.Add(p2.PartId, p2);

            Part p = indexer.Find("002");



Mapping data flows in Azure Data Factory

  Overview: Data flows are one of the features inside the Azure Data Factory which allows data engineers to develop data transformation logi...